Mr. M NARAYANAMURTHI, Managing Director
Mr. M Narayanamurthi is a Chartered Accountant, Cost Accountant and Company Secretary by Professional Qualification. He has rich experience of over 50 years in the field of Finance, General Management, Administration, Property Development, EPC and Energy and Infrastructure. He has held various Senior Management positions in Corporate Companies.
J GUNTI SHARADHA, Non-Executive Non-Independent Director
She holds M A postgraduate degree and Diploma in Electronics and Communications. She has an experience of more than 2 decades in Marketing and General administration. She joined the Board in March 2019.
Mr. K.N. NARAYANAN, Non-Executive Independent Director
Mr K N Narayanan is a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (CA) and Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ACS). He has worked in Public Limited Companies in senior management positions and also as Company Secretary. Presently, he is a Chartered Accountant. He has rich experience in Accounts, Finance and Company Law matters. He joined the Board in June, 2009.
Mr. RAMAMOORTHY IYER SWAMINATHAN, Non-Executive Independent Director
Mr. Ramamoorthy,, FCA, ACMA, ACS, FICS, LIFA is a cross functional and cross industry professional with over four decades of experience in Costing & Financial Accounting, Business Strategy, Corporate Law, Finance, Management, Taxation, Financial advisory and Business consulting. Expertise in mergers and acquisitions, valuations, deal structuring, Internal Audit, Corporate laws, BFSI and Commercial Shipping. He joined the Board in October, 2013.
A SRIRAM, Chief Financial Officer
A Sriram is associated with the company since its inspection. He has a rich experience of over 45 years in the field of Finance and Accounts and General Administration.
Mr A V RAMALINGAM, Company Secretary
Mr. A V Ramalingam is a member of Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ACS) and Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of Inia (AICWA). He has held several Senior Management Positions and was Company Secretary in a Corporate Company.
Important Links
- Annual Report
- Audited & Unaudited Results
- Shareholding Pattern
- Corporate Governance Report
- Postal Ballot
- AGM Voting Results
- Shareholders Information
- Share Capital Audit
- Subsidiary Company Balance Sheet
- Policies
- Code of Conduct
- Publication of Results
- Certificate under Regulation
- Complinace Certificate
- Status of Investors Compliant
- Other Disclosures