Dear Shareholder,
We wish to inform you that your Company has appointed M/s Cameo Corporate Services Ltd., as Registrar and Share Transfer Agents to handle Share Registry work pertaining to both physical and electronic segment. We have pleasure in informing you that your Company has entered into a Tripartite Agreement with National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL), Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) and our Registrar and Share Transfer Agent, Cameo Corporate Services Ltd. for Dematerialization of Securities of the Company. Your Company’s shares can now be traded in the electronic mode at NSDL & CDSL bearing ISIN No.INE429K01012. We request you to kindly dematerialize your shareholding in the Company to facilitate effective trading of the shares of the Company with the Stock Exchanges. This will improve the trading volumes of shares of the Company and will also enable the stock exchanges to categorize the shares of the Company from Trade to Trade segments to any higher category. This will also be in line with Circular No. SEBI/Cir/ISD/2010 dated 2nd September, 2010 issued by the Securities & Exchange Board of India on the Trading Rules and Shareholding in dematerialized mode. For any enquiry with respect to your shares of the Company you may please approach the Registrar and Share Transfer Agents in the address mentioned below
- No bad deliveries
- Reduced paper work
- No risk of loss, mutilation or theft of Share Certificates
- No stamp duty for transfer of Shares
- Facilitates pledge/ hypothecation of securities in electronic form
- Regular account status updated available from the depository participant at any point of time.
- No courier/ postal charges are involved.
- Facilities freezing/ locking of investors accounts which enables you to make your account non operational, if you so desire, for instance if you are abroad.
- Reduces transaction charges.
You may open an account with a Depository Participant (DP) of your choice. As an investor you will interact with NSDL & CDSL through Depository Participant (DP). Your DP will allot you an account number which will serve as a reference for all your future dealings with them.
To dematerialize your holding(s), you are requested to hand over to your DP, the Physical share certificate(s) along with the “Dematerialization Request Form” (DRF). Only the shares registered in your name can be submitted for dematerialization. Your DP will then send the DRF and the Share Certificates to Cameo Corporate Services Ltd. An electronic request will also be sent through the NSDL and/or CDSL network reconfirming the same. Cameo Corporate Services Ltd, will verify the documents submitted and, if found in order, the Dematerialization request will be confirmed to NSDL and/or CDSL who will in turn inform your DP.
All the Corporate Benefits such as dividend, bonus shares and right shares, subject to such decision by the Company and subject to Corporate Action, will be issued by us to the Beneficial Owners, i.e. the shareholders who hold the shares in the electronic form.
You may buy and sell shares in electronic form through the Depository by coordinating with your Broker and your DP. Such transactions would be simpler and faster. Payments for such transactions would be made in the same way as is done for Physical Certificates. All such transactions are exempt from Stamp Duty and accordingly no Share transfer stamps are required to be affixed. Such transactions are not routed through the Company and the debit/credit takes place directly in the Depository System. However, corporate benefits would be paid to the person holding such securities in the Record Date / Book Closure Date as applicable. STATEMENT OF HOLDINGS The Depository participant will update your account after each transaction like your bank account and periodically furnish you with a statement of Holding. Should you like to know more about dematerialization, opening of a Depository Account or an updated list of Depositary participants, NSDL, CDSL or Cameo Corporate Services Ltd. our Registrar and Share Transfer Agent would be pleased to forward the same upon request. Their addresses are mentioned in the last page of this communication letter. Kindly note that the share certificate are to be sent to the concerned Depository Participant with whom you have account for dematerialization (who would complete the dematerialization formalities for you) and not to the Company or its registrars. In view of the above, if you may like to get your holdings dematerialized please contact any Branch office of Cameo Corporate Services Ltd. or any one of the SEBI registered Depository Participant located in your area.
Important Links
- Annual Report
- Audited & Unaudited Results
- Shareholding Pattern
- Corporate Governance Report
- Postal Ballot
- AGM Voting Results
- Shareholders Information
- Share Capital Audit
- Subsidiary Company Balance Sheet
- Policies
- Code of Conduct
- Publication of Results
- Certificate under Regulation
- Complinace Certificate
- Status of Investors Compliant
- Other Disclosures