We are also eying the Energy sector in order to have a seamless connect between all our businesses. Premier is expecting to be synonymous with the term, a one-shop stop for all construction needs of our clients. Premier’s strategy is sound and simple: through utilising our unique competitive advantages, we will profit from exploiting economically and technically sound energy related properties.
We would be focusing on the acquisition and enhancement of properties, either directly or through subsidiary companies. Our acquisitions need to be profitable. The Company’s participation interests range as high as 60% depending on the asset type and stage of the project, providing a balance of risk diversification, profit potential, and ability to influence projects with our technical analysis.
Important Links
- Annual Report
- Audited & Unaudited Results
- Shareholding Pattern
- Corporate Governance Report
- Postal Ballot
- AGM Voting Results
- Shareholders Information
- Share Capital Audit
- Subsidiary Company Balance Sheet
- Policies
- Code of Conduct
- Publication of Results
- Certificate under Regulation
- Complinace Certificate
- Status of Investors Compliant
- Other Disclosures