Probably one of the most aspirational needs of an individual is that roof over one’s head, that one calls – a Home. Aspirations should be met, and it was with this aim and single-minded goal, that Premier Energy and Infrastructure Limited was incorporated on 25th March, 1988. At that time, Housing Development was the fiefdom of a few individual players and partnership firms. At Premier, we decided to institutionalize this profession, and to pass on the benefits to our clients. We also decided to concentrate on that category, which we were sure would be the prime set of clients as time progressed – the middle income group. Today our belief stands justified, as the middle class is where the heart of the construction industry lies.
Premier is now in an expansion mode and we are moving toward provided additional services – Services that are an extension of our Infrastructure arm. After promoting approx 1 million Sq. ft of commercial and residential area, we are looking at investing in Companies which are in the business of infrastructure development including Manufacturing, Ancillary, Construction, Real Estate, SEZ, Software and BPO. As a listed company, we would ensure that our shareholders are benefited. We are looking to moving in the EPC domain of Engineering, Procurement and Construction. Another Sector that we are aiming to move into is Power. We are looking forward to the coming days where we would own – either directly or through subsidiaries, power plants – harnessing both nature and the conventional sources like Coal, Gas, Lignite and Oil.
Our Vision
To be a world class provider of Energy and Infrastructure solutions, ultimately attaining leadership in this domain.
Our Mission
Take each day as a challenge, each employee as a family member, and each project like it is the only one we have. Trust as the basis of our relationship with our customers, and transparency the mainstay of all our functions. Every vendor and partner to be as empowered with our vision as we are, and to ensure that our basic values – Quality and Economy are never compromised on.
Important Links
- Annual Report
- Audited & Unaudited Results
- Shareholding Pattern
- Corporate Governance Report
- Postal Ballot
- AGM Voting Results
- Shareholders Information
- Share Capital Audit
- Subsidiary Company Balance Sheet
- Policies
- Code of Conduct
- Publication of Results
- Certificate under Regulation
- Complinace Certificate
- Status of Investors Compliant
- Other Disclosures